Update 1: Inventory / Clue Collection

Hello all!

In this update, I've implemented a basic inventory system and added the functionality to collect clues in our detective-themed game. Let's dive into the details of what's been added.

1. Inventory System: To provide a way for players to manage collected clues, I have introduced an inventory system. The inventory UI displays the collected clues in a list format, allowing players to keep track of their progress. The inventory panel can be toggled on/off by pressing a specific key ("I" - shocker, I know...), providing easy access to the collected clues.

2. Clue Collection: To make the game more engaging, I added the ability for players to collect clues scattered throughout the scene. Interacting with clue objects now adds them to the player's inventory. When a clue is collected, an inventory notification is displayed, indicating the name of the collected item. This notification remains visible for a brief period before automatically hiding.

3. Searchable Objects: I implemented the functionality for searching objects such as trash cans, and other interactable items. Some of these objects have a chance of containing hidden clues. When a search is successful, a random clue is obtained from the remaining hidden clues list, and it is added to the player's inventory. The name of the found clue is displayed in the console log.

4. UI Improvements: I made various UI improvements to enhance the player experience. Dialog prompts are now shown when interacting with NPC characters, which will provide a more immersive dialogue experience. Additionally, interact prompts are displayed when the player is near interactable objects that are not searchable or NPC characters (such as clues on the ground).

These additions add depth to Poly Justice, allowing players to collect clues, manage their inventory, and interact with various objects and characters in the scene.

That's it for this update! Stay tuned for more developments in the next devlog. As always, your feedback is highly appreciated.

It should go without saying, as this is labeled as a prototype - but most updates will  be general mechanics being introduced - before gameplay is actually implemented. The scene that you can see now will be the "demo"/prototype scene that will eventually feature an actual investigation for you to control.


v012(1).zip Play in browser
Jul 17, 2023

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